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Music: Spies and Ghosts
If you thought rampaging lions were scary, get a load of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex music! Lionrampant takes us on a terrifying journey through Original Soundtrack #1 — the one Yoko Kanno album that might not be worth an impulse buy. Needless to say, I bought it. On impulse.
After the previous album left our resident lion feeling a little cowardly, he went on the prowl for an easy prey that he could rip to shreds. The unlucky victim is L/R (Licensed by Royalty); specifically, its vocal album. Lionrampant reminds us that liquid cash reserves are a scarce and valuable thing in this post-economy economy, and not to squander them on fruitless pursuits.
Both of Lionrampant's reviews are linked below. Enjoy!