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Reviews: They're Everywhere!
We've had a lot of reviews flowing in lately, and I thought I'd take a moment to recognize a few of the latest ones. Why? Because it's Monday, I'm alive, and you have nothing better to do.
The first bunch is about machines, and how the darn things never work the way we want them to. From Mike, we have a take on the somewhat-ill-fated sequel of Bubblegum Crisis, titled Bubblegum Crash. One can only imagine where those titles came from. At any rate, we also have a review of a prequel OVA to Crisis, A.D. Police Files. If killer robot prostitutes and part-robot women killing prostitutes strike your fancy, I hope I never meet you. (But check the review out!)
For more mecha goodness, it's not a bad idea to check out a title that makes fun of it all: MADOX-01. Our resident mole Tsukasa even suffered a couple sunburns delivering it to us, before scurrying into his hole. Lionrampant chased him down for sport, and left behind a soundtrack review in the process! It's the second installment of Yoko Kanno's Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex soundtrack, and Lionrampant's review is safe in our custody.
Now that I've made fun of most of the staff, including myself, I'll be nice for the last few — mostly because they're by our new staffer, Viarca, who has shamed us all this past month by putting out twelve reviews.
Her latest four include a bit of betrayal and revenge (Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo), familiars and spiritual servants (Tactics), genome experiments gone wrong, and don't they always (Innocent Venus), and the fight for justice in a galaxy far, far away (Glass Fleet).
We hope we have kept at bay your insatiable appetite for anime reviews in recent times, but if not, never fear. We're gearing up to give even more — our very organs could be at stake. It's all for you, dear reader.
The reviews are linked below! Good night, and good luck.