Next Round of Reviews

ElfShadow (Former Staff) — March 5th, 2002 — 00:32
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This week's batch of Ryu review goodness is another three-pitch strikeout on the by-volume review front. The first pitch covers the second volume of Princess Nine, the anime about a girls' baseball team in Japan. Click here to find out how it stands up to the standard set by the first volume. The second pitch breaks a flower pot, angering the bishounen assassin flowerboys of Knight Hunters, known in Japan as Weiss Kreuz. To say that I am surprised this series was released States-side is an understatement, but you can click here to get Ryu's take on the first volume of the series. Finally, the third strike covers the last volume of the 08th MS Team, rebounding right off the torso shielding of Shiro's Gundam. Click here to find Ryu's thoughts on how this series wraps up.