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Reviews - Fantasized Modernity and a Modern Fairy Tale
Editor Ryu evokes the first thematic focus with by-volume reviews of a mahou shoujo and bishounen series. Frequent visitors will correctly guess that Ryu's mahou shoujo series in question is Kaitou Saint Tail. Click here to see yet another example of how the 26+ episode series format often has lulls in storytelling, this time demonstrated by the fourth volume of the series (with 43 total episodes in this case, imagine what further fun awaits the viewers). The second review's flowerboy bishounen are naturally those of Weiss Kreuz. To find out whether Ryu thinks the series has recovered from its pitiful start yet, click here. Editor Angelo turns the tables with a modern retelling of Little Red Riding Hood, namely Jin-Roh. Click here to see how Angelo feels the movie's theme plays out, and whether it might warrant a watching.