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Go Reviews!
No rest for the wicked. Or so the new crew of AD reviewers seem to think. What is frightening is that there are other new reviewers out there, lurking in the shadows and judging the best time to unleash a review limit breaker on ElfShadow. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
On to the reviews. Review Ryu starts off the lineup this week with another one-two combo. His right jab takes the form of an advance review of Real Bout High School's second volume. To learn why he feels it is an improvement over the first disc, click here. Ryu's left hook takes the form of Great Teacher Onizuka, giving you a peak at the series in our latest contest feature. Click here to see how Ryu thinks ex-gangsters and education mix in this first volume.
Round two is the revenge of the singletons. Angelo covers Nadia, bringing us his thoughts on the series before the final volume officially hits the streets. Click here to get his take on this anime remake of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Puppet Princess makes the Mahou Tsukai Tai! OVA series the focus of her second review. To find out why she compares the series to Escaflowne in terms of its cross-gender appeal, click here. Last but not least, RPGuy gives us a look at Labyrinth of Flames. Click here to find out how this resembles a cross between Ranma 1/2, Agent Aika, and Meet the Parents.