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Music Section Updates
Hello, minna-san. Yushiro here, AD's new soundtracks guy. I'll be taking care of the music section for the time being, starting with reviews, for which we have seven new ones up for your perusal. I'll do my best to make contributions worthy of your readership, and hopefully in a timely manner. I'll also be doing everything I can to prevent another year's wait for new OST reviews. =P Although I would like express my gratitude to Ramza, Moridin, and everyone else who has helped in the past for creating the collection we have amassed up to now.
Things have changed a just bit, though, mostly in regards to the samples. For all new reviews, the samples will be just that - samples and no longer the full song. While hearing the song itself will give you a better appreciation for it beyond our poor words, which you will obviously still be able to do, the point of reviews is merely to provide you with a guide as to whether or not you wish to purchase it, not provide you with the album. =P The standard amount of samples is now three per record as well. Last, my written reviews tend to be a bit longer than most in our current collection as well, but I'm sure you'll bear with me if I start to drone on. ^^
I should also mention that I am always willing to take reader submissions. The guidelines on the submissions page are largely unchanged, but feel free to contact me if you have any concerns and I'll do my best to help.
Anyway, onto the new reviews. First up are two of the venerable Yoko Kanno's soundtrack releases for Cowboy Bebop, the first soundtrack and the third, entitled Blue. I also took a look at the first and second albums for the rather dark anime Gasaraki. Looking across the Pacific to an as-yet domestically unreleased show, Noir, Angelo reviews the first soundtrack, while I expound on the second. Finally, to round things out with a little goddess action, I've reviewed the OST for the Ah! My Goddess movie. Enjoy!