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Seven New Reviews
Starting off this update is a threesome from Puppet Princess. The first of her titles is a look into the first volume of the game-turned-anime, Legend of Himiko (Himiko-den), and can be found here. Next, she gives us a taste of Urban Vision's release of Petshop of Horrors. Go here to learn about the risks of buying pets in Chinatown. Finally, she brings us a review of a title that has yet to hit US shores. Check out her review of the 51-Episode Hana Yori Dango here.
Next, Tsukasa brings us two reviews. The first covers the staple-food of Otakudom. Go here to find out why Otaku no Video is required watching for all Otaku-in-training. Tsukasa's other review covers ADV's first-volume release of Soul Hunter, and can be found here.
Making solo efforts in this update are myself and RPGuy. My review covers the first volume of Bandai's release of the cute magical girl anime, Fancy Lala, the Magic Stage. The review can be found here. Finally, RPGuy brings to the table a long time fan-favorite, Bubblegum Crisis. Go here to find out more about this much talked about cyberpunk anime.
That's it for this update, folks. Expect another soon!