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Media, the Ultimate Weapon
Some may have noticed that when we launched the latest layout for Anime Dream, there was a new "Media Spotlight" link on the navigation bar. Some may also have noticed that it has had the equivalent of an "Under Construction" sign since then. Well, we noticed it too, and by golly, we did something about it! The media spotlight section will be updated regularly now, and it will serve as a catch-all for anime that we think deserves some extra exposure, as well as the people behind the works. The first update takes a short look at two series that're currently being released in Japan: Saishu Heiki Kanojo (Saikano) and Witch Hunter Robin. Also gracing the Media Spotlight in its debut are two Christmas wallpapers by Nukunuku! Head over here to bask in the goodness!
To compliment the Saikano goodies, we also have a review for you, of the first volume. You can check it out here!
Make anime a part of your holiday celebrations, and total happiness is assured! Remember, it fits in any tackle box.