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Reviews of the Stars
Angelo apparently got a little star-struck, and decided to deal with this by writing four by-volume reviews dealing with the "Saga of the Stars" - Crest of the Stars and its successor series, Banner of the Stars. First off, to follow up Legion's original foray into the series, you can catch Angelo's views on volumes three and four of Crest. The especially starry-eyed should also take a look at volumes one and two of Banner of the Stars, to see whether this series lives up to the expectations raised by its predecessor. Those who are more concerned about what happens when humanity comes hurdling in as a falling star on an unsuspecting planet should join RPGuy as he takes a look at the first DVD collection of Saber Marionette J. And for those who want a completely out of this world experience, ride along with Tsukasa as he tries to capture the essence of the elusive and ever-delayed FLCL volume one.