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Cue Kyuu Reviews
Angelo's contribution this week consists of a volume of by-volume reviews, topped by a Miyazaki movie. For starters, he's written up his thoughts on the first volume of the latest Eva-esque mecha show about, RahXephon. Click here to see whether he thinks another series in this style is a good or a bad thing. Next, he breaks into the territory of follow-up reviews by examining the third and last volume of Banner of the Stars. To discover whether the quality that's impressed him so far with this saga has been sustained in this local finale, click here. Thirdly, he shares his thoughts on the second volume of Fancy Lala. Click here to see how much magic there really is to this magical girl show. He finishes up his by-volume reviews with coverage of volumes three and four of Kare Kano. Click here to see how he rates the diversions of the third volume and here to learn what he thinks of the subsequent refocussing on the main characters. Last but not least comes Angelo's scorecard for one of Studio Ghibli's older releases - Laputa, Castle in the Sky. Click here in case you had any doubts as to whether you should partake of more Miyazaki goodness.
RPGuy helps round out the Angelo action with a pair of reviews on what could best be described as "fan service" series. First, he takes a look at volume one of Please Teacher (Onegai Sensei). Click here to see if he found much more to the show than gratuitous silliness. Secondly, he steps back and evaluates one of the many android maid series of late, Hand Maid May. To learn how it stacks up against other recent series, click here.
To finish off the review queue, Yushiro brings us his review of the second volume of Chobits. Click here to learn whether the series has started to get more of a CLAMP feeling he thought lacking in the first volume.