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Let's Reviews!
The reviews are arriving by the truckload these days, and we're working hard to get them put out for your perusal. This update has a little bit of everything, in twelve easy-to-digest segments!
Our first pair of reviews today comes from reader Aaron Thorne. He gives a rather detailed account of the Sakura Wars Movie experience, as well as exposing the virtues of the first box set for You're Under Arrest. Be sure to check them out!
Moving on to the staff reviews, Puppet Princess talks about the classic romantic comedy Maison Ikkoku (and its move to the illustrious DVD format), here. Her review glances back at the simpler days of animation that had equally simple stories. Don't miss it! Our second loner is by staff member Tsukasa, and covers the six-episode GONZO OVA, Melty Lancer. You can check out why he felt left in the dark on this early GONZO title, here.
RPGuy provides a double helping in this update, for your enjoyment. First off is his review of the first Geneshaft volume, which can be found at this location. Be sure to check it out if you're interested in why he felt shafted by this release. His second offering to the masses is a look at the middle episodes of Saber Marionette J, all wrapped up in a cozy little box. You can read more on why he thinks the second arc of SMJ to be weaker in plot though still entertaining, on this page.
Finally, I have a few (more like six) reviews to share with you wonderful readers. The first is all about my dualistic relationship with RahXephon (Volume 2), and can be found here. Also, I have finished up my coverage of Betterman with reviews of Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5, and Volume 6. The five reviews take a look at how the series slowly redeems itself from its early mistakes, but then has a less than stellar finish.
Thanks as always for reading Anime Dream, and be sure to look for more reviews and an exciting new contest in the near future!