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Review Sextet
This numerical review update features two times three reviews from three editors. RPGuy starts off the enumeration with two reviews. First, he takes a look at the third volume of Please Teacher (Onegai Teacher). Click here to find out how this volume continues to build on the previous volumes' momentum. Secondly, RPGuy examines a series that takes the viewer from third base far out into left field, the surreal Cat Soup. To learn how this venture into the bizarre measures up at the end of the day, click here. Angelo continues the lineup with three reviews. His first review is a followup review for Banner of the Stars II, touching on the second volume of this third Stars series. Click here to learn how it gets the series back on track, with some sacrifices. Secondly, he takes a look at another Miyazaki film, Kiki's Delivery Service. To get the skinny on how it qualifies as yet another successful Miyazaki family film in spite of the Disney dubtitles, click here. Thirdly, Angelo examines Millennium Actress, another film by Satoshi Kon, of Perfect Blue fame. Click here to learn why Angelo finds this film to be another hit. Finally, Puppet Princess takes us on a transition from Millennium Actress's 1000 to the infinite, with a look at the first volume of Infinite Ryvius. To discover why she rates it as a good beginning for an excellent series, click here.