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Fansubs Five
This past week saw the mastering of five new fansub volumes, offering a variety of options for those more interested in drama and (romantic) comedy than mecha or fast-paced action. Naresome Studio came through again with two volumes; namely, the second volume in Himikoden and the first in Sentimental Journey. Sachi's Distribution contributed volumes from two more well-known and well-established series, releasing both Volume 8 of Hana Yori Dango and Volume 9 of Tenshi ni Narumon! And, to round out the mix, the new fansubbing group, Di Gi Anime debuted with the first volume of their namesake series, Di Gi Charat, with a whopping 16 short episodes on one long tape (a la Adventures of the Mini-Goddesses).
As a future note, ElfShadow is going to stop trying to broadly and sometimes incorrectly classify the genres of fansubbed anime, and instead bring you brief summaries of the series after the run-down of the releases. Thanks go to JELEINEN for giving ElfShadow added motivation for such a change by pointing out some rather glaring errors in his classification of these titles in the original story ^_^;;;