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Another Fansub Quintet
A second quintent of fansubs greets readers this "week." First off, ElfShadow's inability to load the web site for Fansubfiles Anime last week caused him to miss their announcement of the release of Volume 3 of the racing anime series, Initial D, back on August 1st. 'Twas probably just Verio.net, the major internet backbone in Texas, having some downed routers, but he also had found Lupin Gang Anime's page down and so missed the August 7th release of Zeta Gundam, Volume 6. Gomen-nasai!
More recently, Wasabi Anime returned from their subtitling hiatus with an August 10th release of Akihabara Dennou Gumi: the Movie. Moving on chronologically, RZ Productions came out with a double-whammy, releasing a tape containing episodes 161-165 of Dragon Ball Z on the thirteenth, and then Volume 6 of Galaxy Express 999 two days later!
Those disappointed with Studio Wabee's former policy of only distributing with friends no longer have to suffice with the text translations on their site or to wait for the eventual sequence of trading to land copies of their work in a distributor's library: after continual harassment ( ~_~ ), they have decided to open up limited distribution of their Card Captor Sakura tapes. ElfShadow would like to extend a massive "Shame on you" to those responsible for this harassment campaign, however.... I'd strongly encourage our readers to support, not complain, about fansubtitler's decisions regarding distribution policies. There are a lot of ethical and legal issues involved with such decisions, and it is the subtitlers, not the fans requesting the tapes, which ultimately have to face any consequences involved....
And now, as promised in the last update, come the (brief) summaries. You won't get one for Dragon Ball Z for obvious reasons though ^_^
Initial D:
Anime for racing fanatics, this series follows the racing exploits of a teenager and his family’s tofu delivery car, which he uses to win races with his mad driving skillz. The racing scenes are done in CG, to more effectively detail the action. For more information about this series, see Around the World.
Zeta Gundam:
Do I really need to provide an introduction to a Gundam series? ^_^ Zeta Gundam details the initial Gundam story, following the conflict between A.E.U.G (the Anti-Earth-United Nation Government), the Titans, and Axis, as well as introducing the struggle between Earth and Space, somewhat paralleled by that between the New Types and the humans who have not been so awakened in terms of psychic abilities. For more information about this series, see the Zeta Gundam Warehouse.
Akihabara Dennougumi~2011~Nen no Natsuyasumi:
This movie's title is literally translated, "Cyber Team in Akihabara: Summer Vacation of 2011." The story for this movie is apparently set six months after the end of the TV series of the same name, which is still being fansubtitled to date. The basic premise of the show seems to involve 12-year old school girls and some strange incidents related to the 2010 fad in Tokyo-mechanical puppets with limited AI known as “PataPi.” For more information about this series and the movie, see The World of Akihabara Dennou Gumi.
Galaxy Express 999:
One of the many Matsumoto works, Galaxy Express 999 focuses on the adventures of Tetsuro Hoshino, a young boy seeking vengeance for the murder of his mother by one Count Mecca and the immortality of a machine body, willing to do anything to get aboard the starship, Galaxy Express 999. This series also said to tie together the various universes of Matsumoto's works. For more information, see the synopses by RZ Productions.