D.Gray-Man: Episodes 27-39 Review

Viarca Dresden (Contributing Writer) — December 2nd, 2009
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When great leaders are lost in war, it either gives rise to chaos or a new spark of hope to inspire in the place of the fallen hero. With the loss of General Yeager, the Black Order is in chaos, as it seeks to locate the four remaining generals and ensure that no more of its figureheads fall victim to the Millenium Earl and the Tribe of Noah. Will they be able to regroup, or is this the beginning of the end?

Unfortunately, like the last batch of episodes, the latest release gets off to an inauspicious start as the series is once again slowed down in order to catch up with how Krory and Miranda are doing, as they begin their careers as exorcists for the Order. Additionally, we are given a little bit more back-story on Allen’s past travels with General Cross and a hint that there might be something more ticking behind Kanda’s enigmatic personality than just an aloof jerk.

While none of the early episodes in the release truly shine, the audience is thankfully spared another comedic relief episode centered on Kamui that brought down the previous installments a little. And, with the Akuma/Innocence of the week episodes out of the way, the release starts to get down to business as the Earl assigns each of the Tribe of Noah a target, and we learn General Tiedol is next up for assassination.

The series uses an interesting tactic, introducing us to General Tiedol through the eyes of a former pupil as he reminisces on his way to locate and protect his old mentor. It turns out the responsibility of the Generals of the Black Order is to locate and recruit accommodators of Innocence to fight the Millenium Earl. While this was hinted at in General Yeager’s back-story, what is known about General Cross through Allen left some doubts about what their true objectives might be.

As Barcelona is overrun by Akuma rampaging in search of General Tiedol, it is unclear whether Tiki, a member of the Tribe of Noah, pursues the same goal. While his arrival in Barcelona indicates it may indeed be Tiedol he seeks, the identities on the cards handed out to assign targets by the Earl remain unknown, and the depth of his loyalty is brought into question. When the exorcists and finders gather to protect the city, Tiki again proves the Tribe of Noah just might be too powerful for the Black Order to handle, as it is once again dealt a crushing blow.

Arriving late to the battle yet again, Allen and Lena Lee find nothing but remorse for not having gotten there sooner, as they tend to the wounded and load the coffins of the fallen for transport. With the goal of locating General Cross now more important than ever, they are finally given a real lead to help track him down and set off in pursuit.

In the latest installment, the action never stops and the intrigue of the storyline will be enough to keep most coming back for more. And while some of the filler isn’t exactly top notch, it does help to invest the audience in the large cast for the long haul of the series. Plus, if you’re this far in, odds are you’ve already decided to stick the series out, and this release doesn’t do anything to discourage you from hanging around for more.