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Sgt. Frog Progress Report: Episode 28 In Tweets
9:50 PM: Welcome to a "Mike's freaking bored tonight" edition of the show-blog.
9:50 PM: Tonight's feature is Episode 28 of Sunrise's Sgt. Frog. Does it hold up 28 episodes later? Well, we're gonna find out. :D
9:52 PM: Let's get this show on the road. Show start! :D
9:52 PM: Sing along, guys :p Kero kero kero - Iza susume~
9:55 PM: Open of a sleeping Fuyuki, and a narrator musing about wonderful things when you wake up...
9:55 PM: And Fuyuki wakes up to the "wonderful premonition" - It's snowing :O
9:56 PM: Original title: Snowball Fight Survival, DE ARIMASU!
9:56 PM: "Wow... what could this be? :O" lice.
9:56 PM: "It's making me feel happy! It's so cold! ^_^" In other words, aliens have no clue what snow is.
9:57 PM: And Keroro has a plan, of course. I DIDN'T see that coming. :O -smacks forehead-
9:58 PM: "Pekoponian cities are defenseless against natural disasters. In particular, twhen this white devil called "snow" comes around..."
9:58 PM: "all transportation is paralyzed! :O" -cheesy news shot- ... lemme guess. He's going to cause the Blizzard of '78 worldwide? ;)
9:59 PM: Kururu's weather control satellite is epic.
9:59 PM: 20" of snow accumulated? HE IS CAUSING THE BLIZZARD OF '78 :O
9:59PM: "Let's invade pekopon ^_^ -SLIP-" ... slapstick is fun :D
10:00PM: Frozen Keroro ftl D: Now he knows why the cities are paralyzed... it's too damn cold to do anything!
10:00PM: Snow training is go!
10:01PM: Charlie Brown style - aka everyone gets pelted with snowballs
10:01PM: Nothing says philosophy like musing in the middle of a snowball fight
10:02PM: ...apparently snowball fights have rules O_o #howdoIshotweb
10:03PM: ...Established in the '88, when The Cosby show was warming hearts on NBC, and Def Leppard was TOPPIN' the charts. #CaseyKasem
10:03PM: Apparently, it's kind of like capture the flag?
10:03PM: And this is an excuse to get the other humans nobody cares about in the show
10:04PM: ...except the combat butler. That guy is awesome :D
10:04PM: Rule change: Capture the flag becomes "Save the prisoner"
10:05PM: ...The rare bondage moment turns romantic... as Tamama turns the moment VERY creepy with his raepface
10:06PM: I love the visual gags in this show... everything is just so lively
10:06PM: This narrator isn't too enthusiastic... but Keroro's kickin' ass. :>
10:07PM: "I thought we were friends ;.;" poor Dororo got used as the meat shield :(
10:08PM: Combat Butler Moriyama is a master of the Matrix as he effortlessly enters Bullet time. Epic Butler is epic.
10:10PM: The Giroro battle scene is exciting as ever, now. Love these segments. :)
10:11PM: Looks like everyone else got bored... everyone else is building snowmen, and snow-GUNDAMS >:o
10:11PM: Keroro learns this story's moral now: Frostbite sucks. Wait.. O_o
10:12PM: Apparently, something sinister and malicious is going on now... there's signs saying both everywhere. >_> Subtle, guys...
10:13PM: Kururu episode. =D He's such a twisted bastard. I love it
10:13PM: What does he have this time around... aside from the ability to shatter the fourth wall?
10:14PM: Episode title: Ku Ku Kachoo, Mister Narrator. Originally: Kururu presente: "Kukuku & Ku"
10:15PM: Episode start: Trash day is always a fun day when explosive yellow barrels are everywhere... or something
10:16PM: Fuyuki learns that yellow barrels hold mutants... or demons.. or whatever the hell Kururu made today
10:17PM: Natsumi plays... damn O_o a pretty blatant homage to Animal Crossing... AKA my secret addiction. :P
10:17PM: Apparently, mutants can insert themselves into video games now.
10:19PM: Bipolar Momoka is aparently being trapped by Netflix O_o
10:20PM: They finally clue in: Kururu's starting shit >_>
10:20PM: Not even Tamama is safe :O And he can FIRE HIS LAZOR!
10:21PM: And Keroro? Reading Mobile Suit Gundam manga... natch.
10:21PM: Now he's apparently the DMV or something... tons of nonsensical paperwork and shitty service
10:22PM: Uh oh...
10:22PM: Kururu screwed with Keroro's Gunpla. Shit just got real.
10:24PM: ...Apparently, Kururu has the ability to crush even Tamama's soul. He must've worked retail for a while.
10:25PM: Keroro: Toys = off the hook.
10:25PM: Angol Mois gets to play now... the ditzy, well meaning doombringer
10:26PM: Kururu's weakness: Cute girls.
10:26PM: And end credits. Afro Gunso returns! :D
10:27PM: So, how does this hold up?
10:27PM: Honestly, it's chugging along just as strongly as it did in its first few episodes. The absolutley batshit humor hasn't gotten old yet
10:28PM: And the characters just keep growing on you.
10:29PM: It's one of those long-running titles that comes maybe once in a decade, where the jokes keep coming a mile a minute...
10:31PM: but the experience doesn't get old. I just can't say enough nice things about the show.
10:32PM: My initial recommendation still stands: Buy Sgt. Frog! Watch if on FUNimation or ANN!
10:32PM: I don't care! Just get a (legal) way to see this series. You won't regret it. :)