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El Hazard: The Wanderers, Volume 3: The Winds of War
Volume three of The Wanderers is greatly entertaining, but the continuity of the story suffers, unfortunately. We learn that Ifurita is quite a complicated character, in terms of both her personality and her abilities. The new curiosity for this volume is the Eye of God, a mysterious device which is discovered by Makoto and Rune. It's a large spherical object which floats in the sky. It appears as if it were manufactured by some intelligent lifeform, but on the other hand, the humans of El Hazard do not seem to have that capability. The enjoyable thing about Volume 3 is the comedy, which is dished out in abundance. The exchanges between Jinnai and his sister Nanami are hilarious, as well as an episode which offered some backstory on the three high priestesses. Ifurita continues to have a strong presence in the show, both comically and story-wise. It's a shame that the story progression took a back seat in this volume, but it's no reason to stop watching, by any means.
Volume three includes seven episodes, continuing the wallet-friendly trend of the previous two volumes. The subtitling still shows a minor error or two at times, but has kept up with the quality of the prior volume for the most part. The quality of the audio and video on the DVD keeps up with the prior volume as well. Despite the rough start, a quality job has been done in the localization for the later parts of the show.
The music in episodes 14-20 is a notch above that for the previous two volumes. The quality is still good, and there's less noticable repetition. Partway through volume three, we're treated to a new opening song, which is pleasing to the ears.
The packaging for Volume three is all about Ifurita. Being that she is by far the most interesting character in the series, putting her on the cover is a tasteful choice. If Ifurita's not your bag though, you can reverse the cover and have Rune, Nanami, and Shayla Shayla on the front. The insert has a picture of Rune, and another of the whole gang. Extras on the DVD are slim, having only a 4-picture gallery and credits for the disc.
The third Volume of The Wanderers ended up being both more and less enjoyable than the previous volumes. You can feel the lack of plot progression, yet the show has become more entertaining. Hopefully the final volume will contain a suitable mix of both.
Video Quality: A Audio Quality: A- Presentation: A- Content: B Overall:A-