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Infinite Ryvius, Volume 3: Tension
By the time Volume 3 of Infinite Ryvius rolls around, the ship's young crew has been forced to evade or defend against a few attacks, still without knowing who their attackers are. This volume has a couple big benefits: a slower pace (hence a chance to reflect on previous events), and Juli in a black dress. It also serves as the proverbial calm before the storm - giving us the feeling that our friends on the Ryvius have barely squeaked through their initial troubles, but will have to get a lot better at what they're doing to weather the Big One.
The writing for the show remains as strong as ever. This volume brings in a new main character, pulled seemingly from a hat. The elevation of Cullen (the music fangirl) from extra to Vital Guarder operator fills in some voids in the character relationships, specifically where Yuuki is concerned. She fits into the picture so well, in fact, that after an episode or two, one might forget that she wasn't always part of the main crew. This is because she isn't given any special attention; just more screen time.
Ryvius' third volume also puts a mild emphasis on recreation - accounting for the slower pace by adding some amusement. This isn't to say that the show is the least bit lacking in those ever-present reminders of the crew's inherent instability. The situation is still as precarious as it was from the start, but this volume does a good job of showing how each character copes with the volatile environment.
On the extras front, all is not quiet. There is a textless version of the third opening sequence variant, as well as another addition of the irrelevant-yet-addictive cuteness that is "Ryvius Illusion." The silent subtitled minis with Neya (the ship's Resident Mystery Girl, also called a "Sphyx") are growing on me. Also included in the extras are commercials for radio drama CDs, and radio dramas that are commercials - the latter suggesting that you purchase both the VHS and DVD copies of the latest Mugen no Ryvius volume, and in advance. I know I will.
This volume has been the most fun to watch of the first three volumes. Thanks to the slower pace, even the least important characters had their moments of glory - some of which were highly amusing. The show has given me every reason to continue watching, and I do not expect this to change anytime soon.
Video Quality: A Audio Quality: A Presentation: A Content: A Overall: A