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Angel Links, Volume 4: Eternal Angel
Volume Four brings us the finale of Angel Links, cashing in on all the foreshadowing from the earlier episodes to close off the series. Meifon must come to face the reality of what she is, and try to figure out who she is and what she really wants. In many respects, this closing act follows a predictable pattern, but the ending itself is still handled quite well. My main complaint was that the climactic struggle and soul-searching could have been handled a little bit better - parts of both just seemed a bit overcontrived.
Thankfully, the video quality was noticeably cleaner for this volume - pixellation is still prevalent, but at least the rainbowing and shaking frames seemed to have vanished. Those who liked the…differentness…of the grappler ships will also likely find a certain space battle enjoyable, in a bizarre kind of way. In turn, the background music was fairly standard - adequate, but not stunning. The opening and closing themes have grown on me, but whether that is a good or bad thing is anyone's guess.
Intriguingly enough, the packaging for this volume seems to have returned to the mahou shoujo theme, from the style of the front picture of Leon and Meifon to the insert's focus on Kosei, official crew bishounen. As for the DVD color, we all know how they chose it this time - blue and yellow make green! ^_^ The on-disc extra this time is called "Secrets of the Angel Links," but Meifon, the narrator, is far less concerned about revealing technical details than with proclaiming her own superiority. The footage shown during the special is at least new for the most part, and her monologue is amusing, if not all that informative.
In all honesty, if you've watched Angel Links through Volume Three, you have no excuse for not seeing the conclusion. It could have been stronger, but it's still nice to see how it all finishes up, and there are some nice artistic touches to contrast with the more traditional elements. All in all, Angel Links has been a fun ride with a number of interesting twists…it's just too bad, given the size of the crew of the Angel Links, that the series wasn't a bit longer and didn't have more crossovers with Outlaw Star.
Distributor: Bandai Creator: Sunrise Released: 1999
Video Quality: B Audio Quality: B Presentation: B Content: B+ Overall: B+