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Masses of Reviews for the Masses
Review Ryu starts off this massive update with five new reviews. First off, he covers the first volume of the Silent Möbius TV series. To learn why he feels it is arguably the second best series based off of Blade Runner, click here. Secondly, he touches on the second volume of the popular GTO. Click here to see why he feels it more than meets expectations set by volume one. Thirdly, he visits the third volume of everyone's favorite flowerboy assassin series, Weiss Kreuz. To learn why he felt the series got a whole lot better in this volume, click here. Finally, Ryu covers the second and third volumes of Ronin Warriors. Click on the respective links to find why Ryu feels the series goes from better in the second volume to a whole lot worse in the third.
Next, Angelo takes the stage with four new reviews. First off, he touches on the Escaflowne movie. To learn why he has mixed feelings on this work, click here. Secondly, he takes a look at the first volume of Betterman. To find out why you'd be better taking a look elsewhere, click here. Finally, Angelo finishes his views on Gundam 0083, bringing reviews of the third and fourth volumes. To find out why he felt the third missed the mark but the fourth made up for the third's failure, click on the respective links.
Finally, the three newer reviewers wrap things up with four more reviews. First up, RPGuy returns with a look at Dirty Pair Flash. Click here to find why he thinks it is a quality update to the original series. Secondly, Puppet Princess mulls over the first volume of Steel Angel Kurumi. To find out what she thought of this latest passive-boy takes control of android girl series, click here. Last but not least, new reviewer Tsukasa brings us his first two reviews for the site. His first debut review covers Kurogane Communications. Click here to find why he found it a strange but enjoyable series. Secondly, Tsukasa takes a look at Metal Fighter Miku. To find out why he feels this is an oft overlooked gem of a series, click here.