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Reviews: Teacher of the Lord of Wind
The sleeping giant has awakened! ...So we at Anime Dream work as its slaves now, and it says it wants reviews. Or maybe it wasn't so much a giant as a nagging feeling within us that we were about to be set on fire or blown up by friendly forces with visions of cute teachers dancing in our heads.
At any rate, we slaved away and produced seven reviews for you, in hopes that the lucky number seven will protect us from being stringed up like puppets and fed to giant insects in some violent ritual....
Let's change the subject. Witches are just neat, aren't they? We have another review about a witch named Robin - I'm sure you've heard about her. Sparks fly when you see her, if you're lucky. But she's not so cool that she reads the wind or anything.
Do you like fairies? Well, you shouldn't! They're trying to destroy mankind after all. We have a chronicle of this merciless foe here. In fact, they're buddy-buddy with Demon Lord Dante. But that can be our little secret.
If you want to know the whole story, follow the links to our top secret documents. Think of it as mystery meat, except that it won't cause any virulent infections.