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Pages matching tag 'theater' (all tags):
- Appleseed XIII Film to Hit Internet, Blu-Ray, and Theaters Simultaneously [News]
- Arietty to Open in Over 1,200 American Theaters [News]
- Bandai and National CineMedia Partner For Sword of The Stranger Theatrical Run [News]
- Death Note: L Gets Theatrical Run [News]
- Evangelion 1.0 Screening at AFI Dallas 2009 [News]
- Fullmetal Alchemist Film to Hit Over 100 Screens [News]
- FUNimation Announces Theatrical Dates for Summer Wars [News]
- FUNimation to Give Trigun Film Theatrical Run [News]
- Gake no Ue no Ponyo Heading To America [News]
- GKids Acquires Theatrical Rights to 13 Ghibli Titles [News]
- Redline to Get American Theatrical Run [News]
- The Girl Who Leapt Through Time Extends Its Seattle Run [News]
- Trigun: Badlands Rumble Theatrical Schedule Revealed [News]