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Pages matching tag 'FUNimation' (all tags):
- .hack//QUANTUM [Anime Title Information]
- Birdy the Mighty: Decode [Anime Title Information]
- Black Lagoon [Anime Title Information]
- Fairy Tail [Anime Title Information]
- Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood [Anime Title Information]
- Initial D [Anime Title Information]
- Magikano [Anime Title Information]
- Master of Martial Hearts [Anime Title Information]
- Rosario + Vampire [Anime Title Information]
- The Tower of Druaga: Aegis of URUK [Anime Title Information]
- Trigun: Badlands Rumble [Anime Title Information]
- Yamada's First Time [Anime Title Information]
- Anime Boston 2011: The State of the Anime Industry [Media Spotlight]
- FUNimation Panel: Just the Facts, Ma'am [Media Spotlight]
- The Top 5 Industry Disasters of The Decade [Media Spotlight]
- Afro Samurai: Resurrection Bags an Emmy [News]
- Anime Boston 2010: FUNimation announces Chobits, Spice & Wolf II, Eden of the East movies [News]
- Anime Boston 2011: FUNimation Acquires Fairy Tail, Aria the Scarlet Ammo [News]
- Anime Boston 2012: FUNimation Acquires Lupin, Others [News]
- Anime Boston 2K9: Dub Cast for Eva 1.0 Announced [News]
- Anime Boston 2K9: FUNimation Announces Spice & Wolf [News]
- Anime Central 2010: FUNimation Acquires Rosario + Vampire, Six Others [News]
- Anime Central 2010: FUNimation Reveals English Casts for Three Titles [News]
- Anime Central: FUNimation [News]
- Anime Detour 2011: FUNimation Acquires Fractale, Freezing, Tales of Vesperia [News]
- Anime Expo 2008: FUNimation [News]
- Anime Expo 2010: FUNimation Drops The Bomb [News]
- Anime Expo 2011: FUNimation Acquires Deadman Wonderland, Others [News]
- Anime Weekend Atlanta to Host Hetaila Film Dub Debut [News]
- AX 2009: FUNimation Acquires Sengoku Basara [News]
- AX 2009: FUNimation Announces English Cast for Slayers R [News]
- Evangelion 1.0 Screening at AFI Dallas 2009 [News]
- Fullmetal Alchemist Film to Hit Over 100 Screens [News]
- Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Gets Global Release [News]
- FUNimation Acquires Disgaea [News]
- FUNimation Acquires Dragon Ball Kai [News]
- FUNimation Acquires Ga-Rei-Zero [News]
- FUNimation Acquires Gad Guard and Vandread [News]
- FUNimation Acquires Geneon Back-Catalog [News]
- FUNimation Acquires Heat Guy J [News]
- FUNimation Acquires Hetalia, Sacred Blacksmith [News]
- FUNimation Acquires High School DxD [News]
- FUNimation Acquires Kaleido Star OVA [News]
- FUNimation Acquires Last Exile Sequel [News]
- FUNimation Acquires Linebarrels of Iron And Strike Witches [News]
- FUNimation acquires My Bride Is A Mermaid [News]
- FUNimation acquires Ookiku Furikabutte [News]
- FUNimation Acquires Sands of Destruction [News]
- FUNimation acquires Shigurui [News]
- FUNimation Acquires Soul Eater [News]
- FUNimation Acquires Strike Witches 2, Hetalia World Series, Others [News]
- FUNimation Acquires Vandread OVAs [News]
- FUNimation Acquires X, Initial D [News]
- FUNimation Adds Content To Veoh [News]
- FUNimation Adds Titles to Crackle [News]
- FUNimation and GDH Form Strategic Alliance [News]
- FUNimation and Namco Unleash DBZ Crane Games [News]
- FUNimation Announces English Cast for El Cazador de la Bruja [News]
- FUNimation Announces English Cast for Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood [News]
- FUNimation announces FLCL [News]
- FUNimation announces Kenichi [News]
- FUNimation Announces Kuroshitsuji [News]
- FUNimation Announces Theatrical Dates for Summer Wars [News]
- FUNimation Brings Back Online Streaming Service [News]
- FUNimation Discontinues Dragon Ball Z Kai, Others [News]
- FUNimation Edits My Bride is a Mermaid Credits [News]
- FUNimation Enters Agreement with Asian Media Rights [News]
- FUNimation Has Six Potential Buyers [News]
- FUNimation Launches Social Streaming App [News]
- FUNimation Licenses a Double-Shot of Tsubasa [News]
- FUNimation licenses Afro Samurai: Resurrection [News]
- FUNimation Licenses Heroic Age [News]
- FUNimation Licenses House of the Five Leaves, Tatami Galaxy [News]
- FUNimation nabs Baccano! [News]
- FUNimation Nabs El Cazador de la Bruja [News]
- FUNimation Nabs Evangelion 1.0 [News]
- FUNimation nabs Gunslinger Girl Il Teatrino [News]
- FUNimation Nabs Kaze no Stigma [News]
- FUNimation Nabs Mnemosyne [News]
- FUNimation Nabs Pretear [News]
- FUNimation nabs Shikabane-Hime [News]
- FUNimation Nabs Six More Titles [News]
- FUNimation Nabs Titles Involved In ADV-Sojitz Partnership [News]
- FUNimation Partners With Toei Animation [News]
- FUNimation Picks Up Full Metal Panic! Plus Two Other Titles [News]
- FUNimation picks up Strain [News]
- FUNimation Picks Up Two Titles [News]
- FUNimation Relaunches Video Portal [News]
- FUNimation Rescues Four More ADV Titles [News]
- FUNimation Rescues Three Former ADV Titles [News]
- FUNimation Reveals English Cast for Bamboo Blade [News]
- FUNimation Reveals English Cast for Rin ~ Daughters of Mnemosyne [News]
- FUNimation Reveals Three Evangelion 2.22 Dub Cast Members [News]
- FUNimation Simulcasts Fractale [News]
- FUNimation snags D.Gray-Man [News]
- FUNimation snags Mamotte! Lollipop [News]
- FUNimation Starts Co-Production Initiative [News]
- FUNimation Streams Captain Harlock [News]
- FUNimation Sues Retailers of Counterfeit Anime DVDs [News]
- FUNimation Tests the Water with Sgt. Frog [News]
- FUNimation to Give Trigun Film Theatrical Run [News]
- FUNimation to halt Fractale simulcasts [News]
- FUNimation to Release Shiki on DVD & Blu-Ray [News]
- FUNimation to Release The Legend of the Legendary Heroes on DVD and Blu-Ray [News]
- FUNimation To Simulcast One Piece Online [News]
- FUNimation to Stream Dragon Ball Z [News]
- FUNimation To Stream Phantom Anime [News]
- FUNimation to Stream Princess Jellyfish, Sora no Otoshimono [News]
- FUNimation To Stream Titles on Anime News Network [News]
- FUNimation to Submit Summer Wars for Oscar Nod [News]
- FUNimation's Parent Company Announces Third Quarter Sales [News]
- Katsucon 2009: FUNimation Announces Five Titles [News]
- Katsucon 2010: FUNimation Acquires Trigun, Announces Dragon Ball Kai Cast [News]
- Katsucon 2012: FUNimation Announces Mobile App [News]
- Latest Episodes of Phantom, Fullmetal Alchemist Leaked Online [News]
- Navarre Evaluates Sale of FUNimation [News]
- Navarre Sells FUNimation [News]
- Navarre to Continue FUNimation Distribution After Possible Sale [News]
- New York Comic Con 2011: FUNimation Acquires Fafner, Others [News]
- New York Comic Con 2011: FUNimation Partners with NicoNico [News]
- News Digest: 3/4/2010 - 3/8/2010 [News]
- NYICFF to Host Summer Wars Dub [News]
- Ohayocon 2008: FUNimation Announces Fullmetal Alchemist Premium Collection [News]
- Ohayocon 2012: FUNimation Acquires Haganai [News]
- One Piece Episode Leaked Online Early [News]
- Otakon 09: FUNimation Reveals Nabari no Ou's English Cast [News]
- Otakon 09: FUNimation Reveals Spice and Wolf Dub Cast [News]
- Otakon 09: FUNimation Snags Eden, Casshern, and Dragon Ball Remasters [News]
- Otakon 2010: FUNimation Acquires Eva 2.22, Summer Wars, Hetalia Film [News]
- Otakon 2010: FUNimation Announces Social Media Hub, Anime Credit Cards [News]
- Otakon 2011: FUNimation Acquires Sora no Otoshimono Movie [News]
- Sakura-Con 2012: FUNimation Nabs Sankarea, Shangri-La [News]
- Sojitz's US Licensing Arm to be Dissolved [News]
- Sony Launches PSN Video Store [News]
- Summer Wars Snubbed For Oscar, Nominated for ICS Award [News]
- Summer Wars to be Featured at Anaheim International Film Festival [News]
- The FUNimation Channel Goes National [News]
- Trigun: Badlands Rumble English Cast Announced [News]
- Trigun: Badlands Rumble Theatrical Schedule Revealed [News]
- US Anime Market Declines 2% in Q1 [News]
- Verizon Drops FUNimation Channel [News]
- Weekly News Digest: 1/31 - 2/6 [News]
- Weekly News Digest: 2/7/10 - 2/13/10 [News]
- A Fitting Farewell: Shin-Chan: Episodes 59-72 [Anime Reviews]
- A Monstrously Bad Start: Rosario + Vampire, Episode 1 [Anime Reviews]
- A Return to Form: Trigun: Badlands Rumble [Anime Reviews]
- Casshern: Sins - Episode 1 in Tweets [Anime Reviews]
- Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: Episode 1 In Tweets [Anime Reviews]
- Initial D: Fourth Stage: Episodes 1 and 2 in Tweets [Anime Reviews]
- Magical Blandness: Fairy Tail, Episode 1 [Anime Reviews]
- Magikano: Oh God, The Pain! [Anime Reviews]
- Make No Mistake - This Show Sucks: Master of Martial Hearts [Anime Reviews]
- Master of Martial Hearts: Episode 1 In Tweets [Anime Reviews]
- My Bride is a Mermaid: Episode 1 In Tweets [Anime Reviews]
- Not Exactly a QUANTUM Leap: .hack//QUANTUM Review [Anime Reviews]
- Not What I Expected (But That's Not Bad!) - Tower of Druaga, Episode 1 In Tweets [Anime Reviews]
- Sgt. Frog Progress Report: Episode 28 In Tweets [Anime Reviews]
- Strike Witches: This Week In Brittania! [Anime Reviews]
- The Sweet Smell of Brown Brown - Shin Chan: Season 3, Part 1 [Anime Reviews]